A log of what changed with each new version from newest to oldest. Remember, G-Wizard Editor tells you when you need to upgrade with a message in the top right corner of the screen. If you need the latest version, it can be installed from this page. Updates to this page are generally only made on the more major releases.
Change Log
8/30/23: Release 3.19 (PC Release.)
- Catch up release to GWC.
- Error processing nested IF could cause backplot to show nothing.
10/27/22: Release 3.16 (PC Release.)
- Catch up release to GWC.
- Error processing nested WHILE and IF..GOTO. Gives erroneous error msg about the END.
4/27/22: Release 3.15 (PC Release.)
- Added support for M99 P# in Fanuc. It acts like a GOTO, with P# being a line N#.
- Added support for Haas M83/M84 Auto Air Gun On/Off.
- Added support for Haas M88 and M89 Through Spindle Coolant On/Off.
3/8/22: Release 3.13 (PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't choose to exit without saving changes.
- Start code signing GWE.
12/16/21: Release 3.11 (PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug in Deep Hole Wizard where it was getting the G0 and G1 sections out of order.
10/6/21: Release 3.10 (PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug in F360 import that gave chamfer tools the wrong diameter
- Help should never say “No Help”. If there is no specific it takes you to the Help homepage.
- Added MillRight Mega V and ShopSabre IS 408 machine profiles.
- Changed new release download process so download is always done manually. G-Wizard will simply take you to the correct web page to do the download.
- Bug fix: Problems importing F360.tsv.
- Bug fix: Tool Crib Imperial/Metric Issues
- GWC Catchup release.
7/4/21: Release 3.020 (PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug that blocked changing tool type in Tool Cribs.
- GWC Catchup release.
12/28/20: Release 3.010 (PC Release.)
- New Digital Code Signing Certificate good through 2023. Note: if you have a certificate error on install, uninstall G-Wizard using the Windows Control Panel and try again.
- Fixed some unit conversion bugs on the Info tab.
10/25/20: Release 3.009 (PC Release.)
- More login fixes.
10/11/20: Release 3.007 (PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug where it could sometimes hang during login on a totally new install.
10/8/20: Release 3.006 (PC Release.)
- Catch up release to changes made in GW Calculator.
8/4/20: Release 3.005 (Silent PC Release.)
- Updated Rectangular Pocket Wizard to new look and feel.
7/28/20: Release 3.004 (Feathered PC Release.)
- Fixed a problem that made it very hard to change or add more than one g- or m-code to posts per session.
- Fixed a bug in shared preferences for posts.
7/27/20: Release 3.003 (Feathered PC Release.)
- Fixed an operator precedence bug in evaluating macro expressions in g-code.
- Fixed a bug when using the Translate Shift Revision on relative coordinates.
- Added a warning message: can't Translate Rotate relative coordinates.
7/23/20: Release 3.002 (Optional PC Release.)
- Fixed a bug in OD Turning that prevented finishing pass from running.
7/21/20: Release 3.001 (Optional PC Release.)
- Added tool tip to Conversational Slot Wizard's angle field to make it's meaning more clear.
- Overhauled Conversational Slot Wizard to match Hole and Face Mill Wizards.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Shared File folder from displaying until next time G-Wizard Editor was started.
7/14/20: Release 3.000 (Optional PC Release.)
- Added the ability to make default file extensions for g-code be no extension. Made it easier to see "All Files" to find these no extension files in all the file dialogs.
- First installment of Conversational Wizard improvements. This release is optional until we get some feedback on how well it is working.
- Overhauled the Mill Hole and Face Mill Conversational Wizards only. Improvements:
> Improved look and feel
> Added the ability to customize the title of g-code generated by the wizards with a comment.
> Added the ability to surface areas that start at arbitrary X and Y coordinates instead of just 0, 0.
> Made sure all coordinate inputs could handle negative coordinates. This had been a problem in the past.
> Cleaned up code to lay foundation for futher improvements.
> Fixed bugs reported by field.
7/6/20: Release 2.993 (Feathered PC Release.)
- Catchup release to get new GWC features into GWE.
5/4/20: Release 2.992 (Silent PC Release.)
- Catchup release to get new Tool Crib features added to GWC into GWE.
- Added more error recovery so that if post downloader can't access Internet you can still login and fix it manually.
3/10/20: Release 2.991 (Feathered PC Release.)
- Added coordinate search capability to Jump tool bar.
- Added a message and "Resume Editing" button on toolbar to make it clear when debugger is active and you can't edit.
- Removed Social Login buttons. They weren't getting much use and confused some new users.
- Fixed a bug that prevented creation of new custom cycles.
- Fixed a macro B bug where G-Wizard was case sensitive and shouldn't have been on certain expressions.
12/20/19: Release 2.98 (PC Silent Release.)
- Fixed a bug preventing offline use for some users.
- Fixed a crash bug in File Compare.
10/28/19: Release 2.96 (PC Silent Release.)
- Reports of a gcvars file error message. Added some bulletproofing: Message is friendlier and we check so as not to write out a null file.
- Fixed a bug with null values (#0) in macro variables. They were being treated as "0" in some cases, and they're not the same as zeros.
- Fixed a comment parsing bug so the Tools tab will have the proper comment for each tool.
10/25/19: Release 2.95 (PC Silent Release.)
- Brought GWE Tool Crib up to date with GWC changes.
- Made login easier and more obvious.
- Made post download faster and simpler.
- Fixed a bug where subprograms couldn't be called unless the post was edited.
4/29/19: Release 2.94 (PC Silent Release.)
- Fixed bug relating to creating Turning tools in Tool Crib.
4/24/19: Release 2.93 (PC Silent Release.)
- Add a Tool Crib choice to Tools menu and also a Tool Crib button on the Tool Bar. This makes it faster to access the Tool Crib and eliminates the long wait to save all the preferences that the normal Tool Crib has.
- Fixed a bug where display of tool types was in washed out colors on Tool Crib.
4/23/19: Release 2.92 (PC Silent Release.)
- Brings GWE up to date with the many changes in GW Calculator, especially around tool crib.
- Added a PathPilotMill and PathPilotLathe post.
- Added an option to change the backplot's background color under the Backplot Options menu.
- Improved backplot display when arcs have errors about the start and endpoint being different distances from center. This version now looks much better in most cases.
4/16/19: Release 2.90 (PC Mandatory Release.)
- Brings GWE up to date with the many changes in GW Calculator, especially around tool crib.
12/23/18: Release 2.90 (PC Feathered Release.)
- Brings up the pricing-trial page when trial users exit so they can see how to purchase more easily.
11/1/18: Release 2.89 (PC & Mac Silent Release. Last Mac version.)
- No new functionality. Signed with latest digital certificates that won't expire until 2021.
9/18/18: Release 2.88 (Feathered Release, PC Only)
Release 2.87:
- Major usability overhaul of File Compare.
- Fixed some Conversational Wizard problems where some wizards could leave out the spindle start (M03).
8/20/18: Release 2.87 (Feathered Release, PC Only)
Release 2.87:
- Fixed a bunch of bugs and improved the performance of File Compare by making it multithreaded.
- Added rigid tapping support to Fadal Mill Post. New g-codes G84.1, G84.2, G74.1, G74.2.
- Fixed bugs that prevented the #5001, 5002, and 5003 system variables (Block End Position) from working properly.
6/4/18: Release 2.86 (Feathered Release, PC Only)
Release 2.86:
- Took out the demo values in OD Turn so you don't have to delete them every time.
- Improved OD Turn Wizard layout for better usability.
- Increased threshold to go to manual replot with F9 by 5x. Resets to Auto every new file. Too many people were getting confused by the lack of refresh.
- Implement check boxes to ignore rpm via g-code and toolchange via g-code on the Machine Profile for folks whose machines have neither.
- Added a "Min OD" setting to OD Turn Wizard so the facing operations won't run into a tail stock if present.
- Fixed some bugs where Threads Wizard was in radius mode and should've been in diameter mode.
- Added a message that says that all Lathe Wizards expect to be in diameter mode.
- Fixed a bug where the OD Taper Wizard could produce a lot of lines of code that do nothing.
12/27/17: Release 2.85 (Silent Release, PC & Mac)
Release 2.85:
- Add #5001..5004 Fanuc variable support for current XYZ position.
- Moved errors to top of hint so they're easier to see without a bunch of scrolling
- Fagor uses paren instead of square brackets? Fixed that with Search/Replace in post.
- Doesn't understand Fagor G77: Slave one axis to another. Just put in some noops for G78 and G77 for Fagor post.
- We flag [#100=1.0] as an error, but should we for Fanuc? Seems like we shouldn't, so let's fix for Fanuc and Fagor.
- Make it obvious when there are errors that are not visible in current view by making the Errors Tab Red when there are errors.
- Fagor "FP" variable syntax.
- Various Tool Crib bugs fixed.
- Fixed bug where 4th axis definitions were not being written to preferences.
- Fixed various scrolling bugs.
- Made Mac and PC version updates independent.
- Implemented LinuxCNC "O" call, sub, and endsub with named or numbered O addresses. Parameters to #1..#30 not yet implemented.
- Sync scrolling on File Compare window so it's more obvious how changes line up.
2/8/17: Release 2.79
Release 2.79:
- Fixed a long-standing bug that sometimes caused random lines to be drawn in the backplot if you switched views during simulator runs.
- Improved sync between line numbers and text during scrolling.
- Improved performance on large files. More to come!
- Added checking for Infinite values being assigned to words as a result of macro expressions. These were hard to find and could cause all sorts of odd problems. Now you get warning messages.
1/20/17: Release 2.76
Release 2.76:
- Reverted to using AIR 23 instead of AIR 24. AIR 24 causes video driver problems that result in GWE just displaying a blank white screen with a blank black area for the backplot. See our Troubleshooting page for how to get to AIR 23.
- Fixed a problem that prevented axis multipliers in the Post from working.
- Fixed the message that says the Conversational Wizard was not implemented when it really just had issues with the parameters that were entered.
- Fixed some problems that made it hard to add new G and M-Codes to a post.
1/17/17: Release 2.73
Release 2.73:
- Improved support for very large files. Am now able to load an 80MB file without it hanging.
- Added an option to use software rendering without gpu acceleration since there's beena rash of video card driver issues lately. Just add the file "GWESoftwareRender.txt" into your "My Documents" folder (or the Mac equivalent). It doesn't matter what's in the file so long as it exists.
- Added the ability to create new G-Codes with fractional names (e.g. G38.1) in the post file. This is used for the GRBL post.
- Added a GRBL post and made it the default for Shapeoko and Carbide3D Nomad machine profiles.
12/28/16: Release 2.72
Release 2.72:
- Fixed a bug where having M98 call a non-existent "O" code gave an erroneous macro infinite loop warning instead of telling you the O code didn't exist.
- Fixed a bug where assignments of the form #100=0 were not being processed correctly unless there were more non-whitespace characters following the last character.
12/1/16: Release 2.70
Release 2.70:
- Bug fixes to G71 lathe canned cycle.
9/25/16: Release 2.66
Release 2.66:
- Getting Started Tours
9/24/16: Release 2.64
Release 2.64:
- Social Logins
8/8/16: Release 2.62
Release 2.62 has significant improvements to Zoom Extents and scrolling on the Hints page to improve usability.
7/6/16: Release 2.61
Release 2.61 fixes a problem for Fanuc and Mach3 mill posts that did not recognize G71 as metric.
5/24/16: Release 2.60
Release 2.60 is focused on:
- Further G76 refinements
- New OD Threading Conversational CNC Wizard
- Fixed a bug in Conversational CNC ID Turn Wizard-retract was dragging a bit.
4/26/16: Release 2.57 (Minor)
Release 2.57 is focused on G76 threading cycle enhancements with support for Fanuc two and one line, Haas, LinuxCNC, and Mach3 syntaxes plus tons of hints..
3/29/16: Release 2.51 (Minor)
Release 2.50 includes.
- G76 Threading Cycle for lathes is available. In this version, only the 2 line version for Fanucis set by default. You can access the other versions on the post variables.
- Fixed a bug where the Post files were not being kept in the shared folder as they should have been. This could lead to changes in the Post not being shared.
3/9/16: Release 2.50 (Minor)
Release 2.50 includes.
- Implemented new "Gen Crib" feature on the Tools tab. It will create a new Tool Table in the Tool Crib based on tools referenced in the Tools tab.
- Improved the Macros tab so up to date variable values are displayed at all times (no more need to run debugger) and you can change the variable values.
- Added the ability to change the rapids color.
- Improved the handling of LinuxCNC ‘
' syntax. - Fixed a problem that made the divider between the backplot and the debugger info window jump around too much.
- Fixed a problem in Bulk Find/Replace.
- Fixed a problem that could hang GWE when changing posts.
2/24/16: Release 2.48 (Minor)
Release 2.48 includes:
- Improved formatting on all lathe Conversational Wizards.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Crib Wizard from working.
- Fixed some problems with custom code snippets.
- Switched to a newer more secure digital certificate. Installs will require older version to be uninstalled from Windows Control Panle or drag to trash on Macs.
1/4/16: Release 2.40 (Minor)
Release 2.40 introduces GWE Lite mode for hobbyists.
1/2/16: Release 2.36 (Minor)
Release 2.36 is a minor release that adds shared Tool Cribs.
1/1/16: Release 2.35 (Minor)
Release 2.35 is a minor release that includes:
- Support for sharing machine profiles with GW Calculator and other GWE users in a shared folder.
- Fixed a bug that prevented creation of new tool tables.
- Fixed a hang bug for some canned cycle situations with Heidenhain ISO post.
- Fixed a bug were Carbide 3D Nomad profile showed lathe instead of mill Wizards.
- Fixed a metric bug in the OD Turning Wizard.
12/1/15: Release 2.32 (Minor)
Release 2.32 is a minor release that includes:
- Added many more Options to Conversational Wizard Options tab to make it easier to set them up for the requirements of different CNC Controls.
- Made code generated by Conversational CNC respect the options for how numbers are to be formatted under Setup Post Numbers.
- Conversational Wizards now suppress tool changes to the same tool number.
- Tool Selectors for Conversational CNC can now access the Tool Crib.
- Haas VF-10 Machine Profile. Press the Reset button to add it to your list. Reset won't overwrite any existing profiles, it just adds back whichever default profiles are missing.
- Made Conversational Wizards scroll when screen height is limited so they can be used on lower resolution screens.
- Fixed bugs in Surfacing Wizard not saving some of its parameters like S and F.
10/6/15: Release 2.30 (Mandatory Minor)
Release 2.30 is a minor release that includes:
- Added all the Conversational Lathe Wizard features to Mill Wizards so they have work offsets, tool changes, coolant, and so on.
- Made sure Conversational CNC Wizards always add a "." at end of numbers.
- Added more error checking to Conversational CNC Wizards.
- Added an "Options" tab to Conversational Wizards that gives more control over various kinds of formatting in the code generated by the Wizards. Options include the ability to use ";" instead of parenthesis for comments, ability to generate IJK format arcs instead of R, and the ability to add "N" numbers to each line after insertion.
- Added a feature to Find/Replace that allows it to be driven from a CSV (spreadsheet) file containing multiple find/replace operations. This makes it easy to do things like swap around a bunch of tool numbers.
- Fixed some bugs involving G68 (coordinate rotation) and arcs.
- Made Conversational CNC Wizards scrollable so they can still be used with low screen resolutions.
8/24/15: Release 2.23 (Minor)
Release 2.22 is a minor release focused on usability improvements motivated by customer feedback:
- Rewrote the Conversational CNC Slotting Wizard to fix some user reported bugs.
- Updated the Haas Mill post so it properly handles numbers without decimal points if the option to ignore number checking is turned off so the extra checking is done. See this blog post for more details.
8/18/15: Release 2.22 (Minor)
Release 2.22 is a minor release focused on usability improvements motivated by customer feedback:
- Added a "Rename" button for the Posts so you can rename them and keep track of different variations.
- Rewrote the UI for editing the list of holes in the Conversational Hole Wizard to make it easier to use.
- Reworked editing of number formats in the Post under "Post Numbers" to make it easier to use.
7/21/15: Release 2.20 (Minor)
Release 2.20 is a minor release focused on:
- Added "Export Hints..." command ot File Menu. Creates a CSV file that shows the following for every line of gcode: Line #, GCode text, .Time to reach that line, Acceleration adjusted time, XYZ at end of line execution, S and F at end of line execution, T at end of line execution, Hint, and Error.
- Fixed a bug in estimating run time for metric mode.
7/20/15: Release 2.16 (Silent)
Release 2.16 is a silent release focused on:
- An error check on the Conversational CNC ID Turning Wizard was wrong, asked for RapidX > StartX should be <.
- Fixed a bug in the FUP operator for Fanuc Macro B syntax.
- Fixed a bug in the macro variable insert Wizard that was assigning Z to local variable #27 instead of #26.
7/13/15: Release 2.15 (Minor)
Release 2.15 is a minor release focused on:
- Implemented Conversational CNC Mill Tapping Wizard.
7/3/15: Release 2.11 (Minor)
Release 2.11 is a minor release focused on:
- Implemented ID Turning and ID Taper Conversational CNC Wizards.
6/9/15: Release 2.09 (Minor)
Release 2.09 is a minor release focused on:
- Implemented Chamfer/Radius Conversational CNC Wizards
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes confuse Zoom Extents on Backplot.
- Added new machine profiles for Bridgeport Series I and Carbide3D Nomad.
- Implemented OD Taper Conversational CNC Wizard
- Fixed a bug in bolt circles for Conversational CNC Hole Wizard.
- Made canned cycles work with Polar Coordinates.
5/11/15: Release 2.05 (Minor)
Release 2.05 is a minor release focused on:
- Implemented Chamfer/Radius Wizards
- Reformatted and updated the Mill Wizard UI to be cleaner and more like lathes. Work offsets and tool changes are not yet implemented even though the UI is there.
- Added a Wizard home tab for lathes where you can see them all in iconic format.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the OD Turning Wizard not to do roughing passes.
- Fixed a bug in Radius Wizard that would sometimes mess up the finish pass.
5/6/15: Release 2.02 (Minor)
Release 2.02 is a minor release focused on:
- Added more tweaks to the FADAL post to improve it.
- Added code to remove garbage null (0) characters from the g-code. These confuse all kinds of software but will confuse GW Editor no more.
- Set up the subscription expired pop up to give you the URL link so you can renew more easily.
- Fixed a couple of bugs in the Grooving Wizard.
5/4/15: Release 2.00 (Minor)
Release 2.00 is a minor release that adds two new FADAL g-code features:
- "L" with a two-digit value can cause a line to repeat.
- "M30" as end of subroutines. This lets you define the subroutines at top of file and use an M30 to indicate where the definitions end and where the initial program execution should start.
4/28/15: Release 1.99 (Minor)
Release 1.99 is a minor release that addresses th following:
- Adds Conversational CNC Parting Wizard
- Fixes a bug where G94 feed mode was getting confused with the G94 Canned Facing Cycle for Fanuc and Haas lathes.
4/27/15: Release 1.98 (Minor)
Release 1.98 is a minor release that addresses th following:
- Adds a preliminary FADAL post that implements "E" syntax for work offsets, "L" syntax for subroutines, M17 subroutine return, and G5 non-modal rapids.
- Fixed a minor bug affecting backplot display of some arcs.
4/22/15: Release 1.95 (Minor)
Release 1.95 is a minor release that addresses th following:
- Adds Conversational CNC Lathe Grooving Wizard
- Fixed a bug in the Deep Hole Wizard that prevented full retract custom cycles from working properly.
- Fixed a bug in the Macro tab where macro variables were only being displayed with 1 digit of precision.
4/19/15: Release 1.92 (Minor)
Release 1.92 is a minor release that fixes screen layout problems for 1024×768 users in the new Conversational CNC Lathe Drilling Wizard.
4/18/15: Release 1.91 (Minor)
Release 1.91 is a minor release that adds:
- Conversational CNC Lathe Drilling Wizard.
- Fixed a problem with "Insert M-Code" button.
- Fixed a problem with how the backplot rendered certain helixes.
- Fixed a problem with the Mill Surfacing Wizard.
- Fixed a problem that prevented the GW Calculator integration with GW Editor from working when disconnected from the Internet.
4/13/15: Release 1.89 (Minor)
Release 1.89 is a minor release that adds the Conversational CNC Lathe OD Turning Wizard.
4/6/15: Release 1.88 (Minor)
Release 1.88 is a minor release focused on:
- Added Conversational CNC Lathe Facing Wizard.
- Fixed a bug in the LinuxCNC and Mach3 Lathe Posts. They were complaining about an unknown "Lathe.AllowLatheCornerRound" post variable.
4/2/15: Release 1.87 (Minor)
Release 1.87 is a minor release focused on Usability and Post Enhancements:
- Lots more Bubble Tips that give a screen tour, backplot manipulation, and debugger operation..
- Added support for Haas G70 Bolt Circle, G71 Bolt Arc, and G72 Bolt Line g-codes.
3/15/15: Release 1.85 (Minor Release)
Release 1.85 is a minor release focused on Usability Enhancements:
- Rolled out Start Wizard, Bubble Tips, and the Help Menu.
- Added support to Conversational Wizards to operate in negative quadrants for Part Zeros.
3/5/15: Release 1.84 (Beta Release)
Release 1.84 is a beta release focused on Usability Enhancements:
- Added Start Wizard
- Added Bubble Tips
- Added Help Menu
- Fixed some Tool tab bugs
- Fixed some Work Offset bugs
2/20/15: Release 1.82 (Silent Release)
Release 1.82 is a minor release:
- Added a test that issues an error if the same "O" word address is defined more than once.
- Fixed a bug in G51 scaling for Haas and Fanuc.
- Fixed a bug in calculating the overall extents of feed and rapid motions involving arcs.
2/19/15: Release 1.81 (Feathered Release)
Release 1.81 fixed a work offset bug introduced by 1.80.
2/18/15: Release 1.80 (Silent)
Release 1.80 is a fairly major overhaul of Work Offsets and #variables:
- Changed file format where non-volatile #vars are stored from XML to CSV to make it easier to access for end users.
- Marked the Haas G110..G129 work offsets on the Setup Post Variables 1..48 tab.
- Added additional information to the hint view that shows the XYZ work offset values when the offset is selected.
- Fixed all open bugs on these areas.
2/14/15: Release 1.77 (Silent)
Release 1.77 is focused on bug fixes for work offsets being used with #vars and subprograms.
2/2/15: Release 1.76 (Feathered)
Release 1.76 includes:
- More work on the Data Grids
- Changed User Club button on Login Bar to access QuestionX.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the startup script for Posts not to execute sometimes. The main symptom was that lathes were not coming up with G18 plane when this happened.
1/15/15: Release 1.75 (Silent)
Release 1.75 includes:
- Mocked up UI for most of the lathe conversational CNC wizards. Next step is to have them generate g-code.
- Had a bug were some lathe backplots were reversed, as though viewed from behind. Fixed that problem.
- Many of the Data Grids now have enhanced functionality so you can change the order of columns, hide columns, change column width, and change sort order and the system will remember these choices from one session to the next. This helps greatly with tables that have a lot of columns, such as the tool table. To invoke the feature, just click the mouse in the column header and popup to edit the columns will appear.
- Updated the spindle power curve so it can have as many points as you wish and it shows a snazzy graph of the curve as well.
- Fixed a slew of Localization problems when the decimal is something other than "."
- Fixed a few other user-reported problems and usability glitches in various places that aren't encountered very often.
10/28/14: Release 1.70 (Mandatory Upgrade)
Release 1.70 includes:
- Added features aimed at supporting large Tool Tables better. These include ability to search for tools in tables, the ability to filter tools by type in the Feeds and Speeds popup, and performance enhancements aimed at making very large tables perform better.
- Our code signing certificate is expiring, so this release has a migrational certificate plus a newly renewed certificate.
- A number of changes were made to improve the quality of the backplot display, particularly on Ortho views (non-Perspective) and when zooming in very closely on small details.
9/7/14: Release 1.67
Release 1.67 fixes a problem with operator preferences in Fanuc Macro B g-code. It also fixes a problem where Hint text wasn't wrapping. Lastly, it adds the new generation next release install code.
7/29/14: Release 1.65
Release 1.65 fixes panning problems with mouse in Top, Front, and Right views.
7/24/14: Release 1.64
Release 1.64 simplifies setup for new users. The default Machine Profiles are now all automatically tied to posts so you don't have to configure them unless you want a different post. Also improved the visual display of information while running in simulator mode.
7/8/14: Release 1.63
Release 1.63 is a minor bug fix release:
- Fixed several bugs to do with the ATAN g-code function.
- Fixed a bug on establishing the origin with G16 for Mach3 polar coordinate g-code programming.
- Did some minor performance optimization, probably not very noticeable.
- Fixed a problem with the Adjust Addresses Revision.
6/10/14: Release 1.62
Release 1.62 is a minor bug fix release:
- Had some reports all or part of the backplot was dropping out. Traced it to a problem with latest 3D graphics library. Dropped back to prior version to fix it.
- Peck amount is optional on Haas drilling cycles. Added a post variable Cycles.PeckRequired that determines whether the peck is required and updated the Haas post so it is not required.
- People were having a number of problems invoking functions during the simulator that should not be invoked. The UI now disables those functions on the toolbar to prevent the problem.
6/5/14: Release 1.61
Release 1.61 is a minor feature release that adds the ability to adjust time estimates based on the CNC machine's acceleration.
5/24/14: Release 1.59
Release 1.59 is a minor release that includes more 3D graphics library updates. This release places the background grid and backplot on two different layers so that the grid can't hide the backplot. Additional work includes:
- Fixed some bugs associated with zooming and panning the non-perspective views in the backplot.
- Fixed a bug that made the splitters for resizing the backplot area act very poorly, like they were going through syrup.
- Fixed some rounding errors in Conversational CNC Wizards.
- Fixed a bug that made it hard to suppress display of some error messages from the options on the Errors tab.
4/23/14: Release 1.57
Release 1.57 is an update to the 3D graphics library to the latest version: Away3D 416. This release is faster and uses less memory (particularly less memory while the simulation runs). In addition, the line thicknesses have been tweaked so they look better for metric users. A preliminary version of this update was Beta tested for a week and nobody reported any significant issues, so we're rolling it back into the mainstream.
4/12/14: Release 1.55
Release 1.55 is a minor bug fix release focused on some metric conversion bugs in the Hints and some backplot visibility issues for lathes.
4/3/14: Release 1.54
Release 1.54 is a minor bug fix release:
- Fixes bugs related to non-perspective views where the backplot and background grid could disappear sometimes.
- Fixes a bug where grid and plot lines could grow freakishly large in metric.
- Fixes a rounding problem when Macro Variables like #101 were displayed.
- Added a "Save Close" button to Setup to improve usability.
3/31/14: Release 1.53
Release 1.53 fixes a bug where the backplot and background grid could disappear sometimes. Also, pressing Zoom Extents while no g-code is loaded will restore the default view.
3/17/14: Release 1.52
Release 1.52 is a minor release that adds a Multicam CNC Router post together with a new set of post variables that allow axis direction to be switched (Multicam Z is reversed). The variables are called "AxisOptions.xMult/yMult/zMult". For Multicam, zMult is -1.0. For most other posts these are all set to 1.0.
3/10/14: Release 1.51
Release 1.51 is a silent release that switches the non-perspective views to an orthographic projection instead of a perspective projection. Looking for feedback on whether this is an improvement.
3/4/14: Release 1.50
Release 1.50 fixes a problem with the File Compare that was causing it to show HTML tags improperly in the righthand pane.
2/18/14: Release 1.48
Release 1.48 is a minor release focused on customer feedback and bug fixes:
- Added new Help pages for Editor Setup, Simulator, and Revisions.
- Fixed several problems where the text prompts were the same color as the background making them invisible.
- Fixed some bugs with canned cycle repeat using "K" or "L" words.
- The Tool Crib was confusing for lathe users. If you switched to a lathe machine, then went straight to the Tool Crib, you couldn't see what machine was selected. If it was a mill, customers wondered why they couldn't select lathe tooling. The answer is to select or create a Crib that is associated with a Lathe rather than a Mill and add tools there. This UI change just makes it more obvious.
2/9/14: Release 1.47
Release 1.47 is a minor release:
- Changed so all tools are automatically made visible at startup. Had people turn off tool visibility, quit, come back later, and wonder why the tools weren't visible in the backplot.
- Add a "My Post Isn't Here!" button to Setup.
- Fixed problem that prevented setting color of tool in backplot.
- Fixed some problems saving spindle power curve parameters on the machine profile.
- Added the ability to put a hole at a specific XY in the Conversational Hole Wizard. This saves some steps over using the Grid layout to do it.
1/29/14: Release 1.45
Release 1.45 is a minor release that adds the Rectangular and Round Boss Wizards to the Conversational CNC Wizard feature.
1/23/14: Release 1.42
Release 1.42 is a minor release:
- Boss Wizard UI is mocked up and Rectangular Boss Wizard is partially implemented.
- Added a stepover parameter to the Rectangular Pocket Wizard.
- Fixed a number of issues to do with editing and modifying g- and m-codes for the Post.
1/12/14: Release 1.41
Release 1.41 is a minor bug fix release:
- Fixed problems with selecting round vs rectangular pockets on CADCAM Wizards.
- Fixed problem with text color on Tool Crib Tool Editor.
- Fixed problem with text color when editing the file extensions on Tools Options popup.
1/10/14: Release 1.39
Release 1.3 is a minor bug fix release:
- Fixed problems with Insert on CADCAM Wizards.
- Fixed problem with Translate Revision.
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