I'm proud to say we are celebrating 10 years of building Software to help customers become better CNC'ers, and 15 years of CNC Blogging. CNCCookbook is the most popular CNC-related blog on the Internet with nearly 6 million visits over the 12 months from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2019. As I write this, there are about 150,000 of you on our mailing list.
To give some comparison, we compared CNCCookbook's organic search traffic to other popular CNC sites on the Internet using a service called Ahrefs.com. Here are the results:
Traffic? We've got traffic! Lots and lots of CNC'ers count on us for answers when they're searching for solutions.
I'm sure many of you wonder, what kind of people visit our web site?
Here are the results of our 2019 Visitor Survey
CNC Experience
The very best CNC'ers know they can never stop learning. The field is both broad and very deep. So it's gratifying to see our number one CNC Experience category is the most experienced CNC'ers around.
Primary CNC Machine
Most CNC'ers can operate more than one kind of machine, but I wanted to see what type of machines they spend the most time running.
CNC Company Type
For those whose job is CNC, they're working for these types of companies:
CNC Industry
And in these industries:
Company Size
Our CNC'ers run the gamut from small to quite large CNC operations.
Almost a third of our audience are in management at their CNC Companies.
Favorite Social Media
I have to be honest-I really appreciated seeing the results of this question. I had always wondered why my efforts to promote CNCCookbook had fared so poorly. The short answer is that if you bother with social media at all, it's only with Facebook.
We've written and published thousands of articles since our inception. Each of them was written with the idea of teaching something to the reader, or offering something to capture their interest. And each year, we've seen our audience grow, so we think we're on the right track, and we have every intention of continuing as we go forward.
If you'd like to purchase advertising on our site, you can do so here:
Thank you so much for all your support!
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