Another Use for a Dual Indicator Rig (aka Traminator)

Last modified: February 16, 2024

I have a deep admiration for my "Traminator," a term I've coined for the dual indicator tramming tool that was gifted to me. However, I initially saw it as a specifically designed tool only beneficial for tramming the mill. My perspective shifted when I stumbled upon an image in a Practical Machinist thread.

Ray Behner created this tool, and what a cool idea it is! It's shown here tramming a vise, but I can imagine it would be handy to align almost anything into tram on the mill table. It's going to be faster to tap it in this way too I would think since you don't have to wait to sweep the indicator (although I'm pretty fast at it these days, so it won't save much).

Now I need a precision rig that will hold my Traminator at right angles so I can use it for jobs like this. I'll have to think about it a touch, but doesn't seem it ought to be too hard to make. BTW, if you don't recall the Traminator, you'll recognize it from the picture:

My tramming and preventative maintenance gear...

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