A Tale of Two Neat Little CNC Mills

Last modified: February 25, 2024

I discovered a couple of charming small mills in the past week that I felt inclined to share. It's fascinating how they resemble each other in size. I will also list what I found appealing and those aspects that I didn't quite fancy.

This Mill is Nomadic and Likes to Be Moved

Prototrak has this neat little 2nd op mill that is so easy to move it actually comes with a pallet jack to encourage dragging it around the shop:

I'm really curious what this little guy costs.



This is Dave De Caussin's Mill:  A Baby Fadal

Dave was one of the Founders of Fadal and he is back with a new little milling machine and a new company:  Fadec Engineering.  Here is his UMC-10:

It's fascinating to compare these two mills.  The ‘Trak packs more work envelope into a much smaller footprint.



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