G-Wizard Calculator Video University: Grad School

Last modified: March 5, 2024

Grad School?  Is this going to be hard?

Not at all!

You've got the basics down from prior videos.  These are follow up videos that take you through even more features so you can unlock the full power of G-Wizard.  Each video is bite-sized and focused.  You can follow along in the order below, or do them in whatever order you need them.  They'll make sense with the background you already have.

Here are the videos to flesh out all the functionality of G-Wizard and make you a total Expert.

Everyone can Benefit from these remaining lessons:

Blue webpage with white text and three small machinery images.

G-Wizard Feeds & Speeds Examples

Worked examples for Beginners, Pros, and CNC Router Users.

Green background with a white downward-pointing arrow.

A screenshot of a CNCCookbook.com webpage featuring a tool crib and related text.

How to use G-Wizard's Tool Crib...

Green background with a white downward-pointing arrow.

3D modeling software screenshot with various settings and options.

Learn to use G-Wizard's Materials Database.

Green background with a white downward-pointing arrow.

A screenshot featuring a Kennametal KOR 5 end mill.

Use Manufacturer's Data with G-Wizard.

Green background with a white downward-pointing arrow.

Pie chart showing cost distribution: Operator expenses 31%, Material costs 17%, Machine costs 27%, Fixed shop overhead 25%

Bonus: Premium Endmills:  What’s different and when to choose them…

Green background with a white downward-pointing arrow.

A black gearshift knob with white lettering and lines on a gray background, featuring numbers 1-4 and an "R" symbol.

Bonus: How to use Tool Families for Manufacturer’s Data…

PS:  Don't already have G-Wizard?  Sign up here for your free trial to the world's best feeds and speeds calculator.

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