CNC Beginner
Here's the G-Wizard Calculator Video University for CNC Beginners. What's a CNC Beginner?
You're just starting with CNC and want to keep things simple. Your CNC Machine is Hobby-grade, not Industrial-grade so cuts need to be more conservative. You want maximum ease and minimum complexity.
If that's not you, click to find the right place:
Here's the Video Track you should follow to learn G-Wizard:
Basic Setup: Configure G-Wizard for Your Machine
Getting Started With G-Wizard Feeds & Speeds
(How to solve the hardest problem in Feeds & Speeds easily!)
Optional Bonus Lesson: Feeds and Speeds for Beginners
Getting Started with Feeds & Speeds, Part 2 [Cheat Sheet]
Use our exclusive Cheat Sheet to adjust Feeds and Speeds for your needs.
Bonus: 5 Feeds and Speeds Key Concepts
What Next?
You've got the Basics down.
There's more to learn to get the most value from G-Wizard. Click here to keep going:
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