6 months by cncdivi
CNCCookbook is launching a T-Shirt in support of US manufacturing.
Recently, a group of friends and I were discussing US Manufacturing on Facebook. These are just random acquaintances, and not all that familiar with the US Manufacturing scene. I quickly discovered two things.
First, they’re very supportive of US Manufacturing, particularly in these times. They understand it creates jobs, and they’d like to buy more US Made goods. They regret whatever happened to make the US lose so many manufacturing jobs.
Second, they don’t really know much about US Manufacturing. They wonder:
- Can you still make goods cost effectively in America or are those days long gone?
- Are manufacturing businesses thriving here or what? In other words, what’s the trend look like?
- What can they do to support US Manufacturing?
I found myself forwarding the list of articles I’ve written here about the subject. It’s a long list, and many of these articles are more germane than ever. I will provide the list again below.
Meanwhile, I’m launching a T-Shirt. If nothing else, I want something I can wear to support US manufacturing and help get the word out.
I made sure, BTW, the these cotton T-Shirts themselves are made in the US. They cost a little more, but I think it’s worth it. I’m only going to offer these for a limited time, so if you want one, order now.
The young lady running the lathe is a WW2 girl. When I started this company (we started selling G-Wizard not quite 10 years ago), I used to use her as our logo on all the G-Wizard ads and pages we ran. I’ve always felt she’s the perfect spokesperson for US Manufacturing.
BTW, not trying to disrespect any other country’s manufacturing. If this crisis has shown nothing else, it is that losing too much of your manufacturing to far away lands is a bad idea. Every country needs the capacity to manufacture goods of their own.
CNCCookbook Articles on the US Manufacturing Industry
Worried About Global Warming? Then Buy American Made (Or European, Or Japanese): $1 of Chinese made creates 5X the carbon footprint of $1 of US Made.
The Decline in US Manufacturing is More Recent Than You Think and May Be Turning Around: From the article, “For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.48 is added to the economy, the highest multiplier effect of any economic sector.” If you need to create more jobs in a down economy, stimulating manufacturing is the most efficient way.
For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.48 is added to the economy, the highest multiplier effect of any economic sector. A lot of the arguments for offshoring are lies, or at best, exaggerations that haven’t proven out very well. One of the biggest whoppers I know of is Apple’s Tim Cook saying they can’t make products here because there aren’t enough skilled machinists left.
A Visit to Carbide3D’s Southern California Headquarters: Best part of this article is their discussing of reshoring their manufacturing, which started in China.
Do You Know These 14 Ways to Be More Competitive Against Offshore Manufacturing? Yes, US Manufacturer’s can compete successfully. Here’s how.
How Does Germany Stimulate Its Manufacturing Economy? It’s worth learning from the Germans some of the things they do to keep their manufacturing economy vibrant.
Why Venture Capital has set its sights on Manufacturing: Manufacturing is the Next Big Thing. I’ve been taking quite a few calls from these guys lately.
American’s Next Big Boom: Manufacturing: I need to update this article, but I still believe the underlying premise. Manufacturing is America’s Next Big Boom.
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Bob is responsible for the development and implementation of the popular G-Wizard CNC Software. Bob is also the founder of CNCCookbook, the largest CNC-related blog on the Internet.