How to Solve the Hardest Problem in Feeds and Speeds Easily:
This video takes you through how to get started in Feeds and Speeds with G-Wizard. It turns out, you want to tackle the hardest problem first, and that's deciding on the best Cut Depth and Cut Width. G-Wizard has a proprietary feature (CADCAM Wizards) that solves this important problem nobody else has good answers for, and we show you how it works.
One More Awesome Feature: Safe Mode
If you're a Beginner, Hobbyist, or user of a smaller CNC Machine, you owe it to yourself to check out this video. It'll show you how to use G-Wizard's exclusive Safe Mode to provide an extra margin for error, plus it gives you quick solutions to the 4 most common problems that cause Beginners to break cutters.
Optional Bonus Lesson: Feeds and Speeds for Beginners
Next Video
Did you ever use a cheat sheeet? A good one can make the job so much easier. In our next video I'll show you G-Wizard's Cheat Sheet. It's your shortcut to making Feeds and Speeds (and G-WIzard) do anything you want!
Show me G-Wizard's powerful Cheat Sheet
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