9 months by cncdivi

As per Wikipedia, Every Day Carry (EDC) is defined as, “a small assortment of daily carried tools, supplies and equipment, used for the purpose of helping one handle a variety of situations starting from ordinary to catastrophic.”

While there can be something of a suvivalist overtone to EDC writings, I just see them as neat ideas for CNC projects and something a machinist ought to be carrying around in their pockets.  They’re typically little tools designed to go on your keychain or on a chain around your neck.  Here are a few to take a gander at so you get the idea:

Boker Plus Toucan Multi-Tool

Tapco Armorer’s Tool

Atwood Poltergeist

I’ve got links on a couple of those in case you’d rather just buy one.  Aren’t they neat?  If you’ve been pondering a project to make a knife, perhaps one of these EDC implements would make a simpler starting point to play around with.  Check out CNCCookbook’s Pinterest “Guy Gear” Board for a lot more ideas.  With a CNC, your imagination is really your only limit on what you can build.


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