Cnc Rack and Pinion [vs Belt Drive or Ballscrew]

Last modified: May 23, 2024

How a rack and pinion drive system works

A serrated metal gear with a circular hole and sharp teeth on a white background.

A Rack and Pinion Drive...

A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator consisting of a circular gear (the pinion) that engages with a linear gear (the rack) to convert rotational motion into linear motion.

CNC Rack and Pinion

Rack and pinion drives are commonly used in CNC machines, such as CNC plasma tables and CNC routers. They are well-suited for the long travels and specific performance requirements of these machines.

Key Takeaways

Rack and Pinion Advantages and Disadvantages

Typically, a rack and pinion drive system would be compared against belt drive at the lower end and ballscrews at the higher end.

Diagram illustrating belt drive to rack and pinion conversion.

Rack and Pinion Advantages:

Rack and Pinion Disadvantages:

Straight gear rack vs. Helical gear rack and pinion system

A helical gear rack differs in that its teeth are angled. This allows a smoother, lower friction movement resulting in better performance than a straight-cut gear rack.

Metal ruler with circular gear and small teeth.

Helical rack and pinion...

Challenge: Rack and Pinion Accuracy

One of the biggest challenges to accuracy is the accuracy with which the gear rack is made. If the teeth are not precision aligned, accuracy will vary over the travel.

It is possible to compensate for this by measuring the actual position and applying compensation in the controller software based on those measurements.

It is also possible to invest in greater accuracy gear racks and pinions.

One area to pay particular attention to is the mountain of the various sections of gear rack and how they fit together.

Challenge: Rack and Pinion Backlash

By default, a Rack and Pinion will have more backlash than a ballscrew. There are various ways to reduce that backlash.

First of all, increasing the quality of the teeth as well as their mounting accuracy will help.

Second, mounting the drive motor so it can be tensioned into the rack will help.

Lastly, the most sophisticated systems use split-pinion drive or dual-pinion drive, where one pinion drives while the other is tensioned to remove the backlash.

Gear or cog, likely used in machinery.

Split pinion anti-backlash drive...

Split-pinions are made of two pinion halves — one which is fixed, and one which is axially spring-loaded. During setup, the split-pinion is first adjusted to remove the mesh backlash; it is then preloaded to compress the spring up to the operating load of the application.

Preloading the spring ensures that the spring will not deflect under load during operation. In fact, when the preload is set properly, the spring will not move at all during operation. The only way the spring could deflect further is if the operating load exceeds the preload setting.

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