A Machinist's Hammer: Part 1 - Sketch

Last modified: February 25, 2024

A typical assignment for beginner machinists mastering the use of a lathe includes the creation of a machinist's hammer. The resulting product often exhibits its own unique aesthetic appeal and frequently becomes a cherished, lifelong tool. For individuals unable to craft their own, these specific hammers can even be purchased.

A small logo of The Hammer, a high-quality hammer for precision work.

The Paulding Hammer...

I thought a similar hammer would be a fitting project to start my experience with the Tormach CNC Lathe, so I thought I would get started doing a little design work while I wait for the lathe to arrive.  I think that the Conversational Wizards Tormach provides with the LinuxCNC control for the lathe should make a hammer like this very easy to do.  I've decide to call the tool the "T-Hammer" (Tormach Hammer).

My design goals for the project included:

Here are my initial design sketches for the project:

A 3D rendering of a hammer sketch tool with a silver body and black rings on a light brown wooden surface.

A rendering done with Rhino3D and Flamingo of the T-Hammer (Tormach Hammer)...

Two hammers with green and yellow heads, connected by a red shaft in a 3D rendering format.

Ghost view makes the individual components of the T-Hammer more evident...

Building the T-Hammer requires making the following parts:

In addition to the parts we'll turn on the lathe, we'll need some o-rings and studs which we'll get from McMaster-Carr or some other handy source.

I intend to make everything on the Tormach lathe except for the hole on the head the neck screws into.  We'll need a milling machine for that task, though I suppose you could also use a drill press.

It'll be a little while until I receive the Tormach lathe and get it set up and tooled, but once I do, future articles will cover each part and will include step-by-step shots of how I made the part on the Tormach lathe.  I don't expect it to take too long once I get rolling.

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