6 months by cncdivi

With access to CNC machines and the skills to operate them, you have the ability to produce virtually anything you want, even fantastical creations. The beauty of art exemplifies this idea phenomenally, and I’ve always found myself captivated by the intriguing Steampunk Ray Gun artwork of Jeff de Boer.

An article in MAKEzine first got me to notice his “Atomic Dueling Pistols:”


Atomic Duelling Pistols by Jeff de Boer…

Jeff’s got a few more neat examples like this one in his “Space Stuff” Gallery:


Ray Derringer, by Jeff de Boer.  Even the presentation case is fanciful…


Zappo, by Jeff de Boer.  Note the neat engine turned sheet metal case…

I don’t know if they’re “Steampunk” (Jeff says they are) or just the sort of straight up Pulp Science Fiction I grew up reading, but they sure are cool!


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