6 months by cncdivi
Here is an unusual sight–granite being transformed into artistic and architectural shapes by a large CNC diamond wire cutter. Take a look at some examples of this interesting work:
Pretty amazing work from stone!
And here is the Breton CNC Machine that makes it possible:
As you can see, the machine somewhat resembles a giant bandsaw. There are two axes of movement enabling it to take slices out of the stone with a diamond coated wire. For the more ordinary task of slicing a big block of quarried stone into slabs suitable for counter tops and the like, they make multi-wire machines that slice straight down and create many slabs at once.
Before anyone asks, I have no idea what the feeds and speeds should be for a beast like this, but I certainly am curious!
My thanks for making me aware of this machine go out to a web site and blog called Core77. Their site is dedicated to the art of industrial design and there are many interesting articles there talking about tools and finished designs. Check them out if you get a chance.
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Bob is responsible for the development and implementation of the popular G-Wizard CNC Software. Bob is also the founder of CNCCookbook, the largest CNC-related blog on the Internet.
Excellent invention. We are Wire EDM users & Job shoppers for Sheet Metal Components.
I want to know the price of this machine. I am wondering,, how a Diamond wire cut the Natural stones. MARVELOUS. You can do any shapes out of natural granites, Marbles,
Very Innovative technology to cut intricate profiles in granites.