Make Awesome Control Panels and Signs With “Gravograph”

Last modified: February 21, 2024

This excellent article from CNCZone taught me a new method where the writer used a "Gravograph" to create a stunning CNC control panel.

Machine tool control panel with knobs, dials, and switches labeled SERVO LOAD, SPINDLE CONTROL, and INITIALIZATION PANEL.

And here is some work in progress:

Control panel with E-STOP, servo load, spindle control and other machinery operating components.

This engraving material is a laminated plastic, that has a self-adhesive to make it easy to stick to aluminum or whatever the real structural material for your panel might be.  The plastic has a layer of black that is 0.012" thick and then white underneath.  Set your engraving depth to just a little deeper (say, 0.015") and look for great looking results like these.

What are you secrets for great engraving jobs like this?Machine tool control panel with knobs, dials, and switches labeled SERVO LOAD, SPINDLE CONTROL, and INITIALIZATION PANEL.

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