CNC Controller Enclosure and Layout Ideas

Last modified: March 17, 2024

Before initiating my own endeavors, I find it useful to check out how others have dealt with similar issues. This page simply offers a collection of pictures demonstrating how various individuals have constructed housings for their CNC electronics. If you're curious about the specifics of the electronics that constitute a CNC controller, we have an additional article covering that subject.

Metal gray electrical box with dials, red button, and strap handle on a brown surface.

Very nicely done box based on a Gecko 540. The box is a Bud Industries "PortaCab"...

Electrical box with attached wires and components.

That's a big ole transformer! Looks like the front panel is mostly concerned with the DC supply...

Gray box with E-STOP button, VFD connectors, and power cord on a brown surface.

Outback we have a nice set of connectors and a very professional appearance. The Gecko 540 really makes it possible to package things tightly...

Complex electronic circuitry in a custom-built metal box with densely packed wires and various components.

Note the rail system to hold the Gecko drives in the middle, the box around the power supply, fuses for each Gecko, and the controller boards all in their own area. Very nice layout! Mounting those Geckos on a near vertical panel saves a lot of space.

Electrical control box interior with complex wiring, circuit boards, and electronic components.

Slight variation on the same theme. Relays are at bottom. Also note the aluminum plate to help as a heat sink for the Geckos.

Electronic components and devices on a surface.

Nice little power supply bracket, in'it?

Rectangular metal storage box with open door on wooden surface.

All this goes in the orange box. Note the 35mm DIN rail used to mount the goodies. There is room underneath it to run wires...

Electronic circuit board with complex network of connections and various components.

Nice how everything has a little connector with no bare wires and the cables are bundled together with cable ties. A little judicious heat shrink tubing also helps neatness. And the Geckos are on a big chunk o' aluminum so they'll stay cool.

Blue electrical box interior with wires and circuit boards.

Ahhhh! Now that color is more my speed!

Metal power supply unit with complex wiring and circuit boards.

Another NEMA box supply. Geckos on a separate plate. AC outlet for all wart. No opto isolation on breakout board? Note ferrite beads for noise reduction.

An open silver metal box containing densely packed electronic components.

Here's an example box that has a breakout card, the geckos, motor control circuitry, and the DC power supply. This one was made by Widgitmaster. What a nice compact presentation!

Custom-built power supply unit for a 3D printer or laser engraver with aluminum case and internal components.

Here is rack system is pretty similar to my CNC lathe's rack chassis. There are several features of his case that I really like. First, It was definitely simpler to just mount the Geckos to the wall rather than use the heatsink I did. Second, I like bringing out the fuses with pilots to the front panel for all axes. I think adding a disable switch to each axis would be nice as well, though it wouldn't get used an awful lot. For my upcoming IH mill CNC conversion, I intend to use panel mounted fuses with ammeters to show load on each spindle as well as disable switches.

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