4Axis CNC Router

Last modified: June 13, 2024

What is a 4Axis CNC Router?

Using a 4th axis on a CNC router for wood is similar to its use in metal-focused CNC applications. We’ll discuss how it works on a CNC router and explore common applications. This setup makes the CNC router very versatile.

You can mount a typical 4th axis on a CNC router table and start working:

A large CNC milling machine with 4th axis rotary table and wooden workpiece clamped on top.

The goal of 4th axis woodworking is typically engraving or columns…

The goals of 4th Axis woodworking are often a little different.  You seldom see 4th axis as a way to access more sides of the part without more setups or as a way to machine more parts in one setup through indexing.  CNC Routers already have lots of XY area and don’t need a 4th axis to create more area.  In fact their limited Z clearance would make it hard to use one for the purpose anyway.

Most 4th Axis woodworking is about continuous indexing in order to do round work such as engraved cylinders of columns for various kinds for architectural work:

Large metal-framed workbench with a flat steel or aluminum surface.

Fourth axis milling head on a CNC machine.

This sort of thing is called ornamental turning work, and in fact, it is common to refer to the 4th Axis as a “Lathe Attachment” in the CNC Router world.

Here’s a video showing one of my favorite style lathe attachments which involves mounting the 4th axis permanently alongside the table:

A 4th Axis installed on a CNC Router…

The video shows a lot of the typical pineapple and other shapes common to ornamental turning.  Slinging the workpiece alongside the table allows for quite large work to be done and gets away from the Z-travel limitation that many router tables have.

CNCZone has some neat pictures of a DIY lathe attachment for a CNC Router:

Large blue metal frame supporting a wooden worktable with grid pattern and various tools.

A 4th axis gearbox made of aluminum with a black motor on a workbench.

His solution for low backlash gear reduction was to build a “gearbox” using timing pulleys to slow down his stepper motors.  Clever!

What Kind of CNC Machining Do They Do?

Here’s a video of some 4th axis work on a CNC Router to create a gunstock.  Very cool work:

Some great how-to tips in this video of making a gunstock with a 4th axis…

One of the most exacting and beautiful uses for CNC 4th Axis Woodworking is inlay work, particularly for custom guitars, pool cues, and similar work.  Seeing a cnc machine doing this kind of art is always amazing to me!

Custom pool cues made with CNC…

How about cutting a Tiki:

CNC Router Machine cutting a Tiki...

How Can I Program this kind of CNC Machining?

The easiest way to program is to use CAM software that supports 4 axis cnc.  Not every CAM package supports it, and those that do often force you to pay more to get the 4 axis cnc support.

How Should I Choose a 4 Axis CNC Router?

There are a few considerations to keep in mind when choosing a cnc router to do 4 axis cnc work.

First, its controller must support a rotary axis.  Not all of them do.  It needs to have both the necessary g-codes and the ability to hook up a rotary axis.  The g-codes enable motion on the rotational axes (a axis, b axis, or c axis) in addition to the normal three axes (x axis, y axis, and z axis).  4 axis cnc moves may involve any combination of up to 4 of these axes.

The machine will include either an a axis or b axis depending on how its configured, but not both at the same time.  Lastly, the units for the rotational axis are typically degrees.

Second, does it have a rotary axis available for purchase?  If not, you may have to build one.  A 4 axis cnc is a fairly exotic add-on for the average desktop cnc router, so you may not be able to purchase one for most low-end cnc routers.

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