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Hey! What kinda CNC Gifts are you making this year?
I recently did an article on 18 CNC Jewelry Gift Ideas to Delight the Non-CNCer in Your Life that was well-received. It's the right time of year to be contemplating CNC Gift Projects, and they're typically aimed at the Non-CNCers in your life. In this installment, we're going to look at Gift Ideas for the Outdoors. I don't really mean for camping so much as to furnish and decorate the areas outside your home.
See if any appeal to you as a good project for this holiday season!
CNC Sign Projects
CNC Machines are perfect for making awesome and unique signs. Whether you have a straight up CNC Mill, CNC Router, or even a Plasma Cutter, there are many interesting possibilities. For starters, why not make the street address number for your home something unique and fun?
Here's a great cnc plasma cutter project...
Outdoor Furniture
The sky is the limit for a CNC'er that wants to make some unique outdoor furniture:
A set of these bar stools in stainless would be awesome! I hate to think what the material would cost. Maybe aluminum is a better idea?
Park benches are commonly seen around many homes. How about this racey uber modern design?
The venerable Aidrondack chair with something a little extra. What sort of design would you add to yours?
Games and Other Fun Accessories
Lots of possibilities in the realm of garden and outdoor games. For example, you could create one of those big chess sets where the pieces stand 3 feet tall. Or, you could try some of the other examples:
Oversized chess...
As long as you have a board laid out, why not checkers too?
Oversized could sit on a table top too!
Oversized Yard Dominos, anyone?
Clocks and Sundials
You don't see clocks very often at residences, which is one reason I love the idea.
Clocks are endlessly fascinating and can be easy projects or very advanced. Movements are relatively cheap, or make your own geared movement-you're a CNC'er, you can make anything you want! Sundials need no movement, and are also wonderful yard ornaments.
Puzzle clock would be a nice plasma table project. Suitable for a regular mill on a smaller scale too!
This unusual clock is made from chain. The correct time is at the top...
Here's a very modern sundial. Figuring out how to do that ring will keep you scratching your head a bit...
A very modern sundial. A little smaller scale for a home would be really slick!
A marble sundial uses a glass sphere to focus the sun's light on the dial...
Wouldn't this be a lovely sundial on a pedestal in your garden?
Sundials can be quite intricate and complex...
Door Jewelry and Garden Gates
Your frontdoor is the gateway to your castle and kingdom. Decorate it to show your distinctive taste with a little CNC wizardry.
There are door knockers in every imaginable form. Why not one that shows your favorite dog breed?
Door handles are fair game too!
Not feeling creative enough for something complex? Go way the other way and simplify to basic geometry...
While you're at it, how about a bezel that guides your key when it's too dark to see?
Fire Pits and BBQ Ideas
You're a CNC'er and you love to BBQ, why live with a simple Weber when you could create one of these amazing designs?
Handy with a Tig Welder and Tubing Bender?
How can I not have a Caterpillar BBQ in my life? Git ‘er done!!!
The super-stylish Planca grill designed by Christophe Calanca...
Foldable wall-mounted grill hides away when you're done. Would be slick as an outdoor warming fireplace too.
Tiki Torches: Something simpler than a BBQ Grill...
Matching outdoor fireplaces?
Custom BBQ Grill: #1 Dad-not bad!
Outdoor Lighting
Yet another category that's fun. Outdoor lighting can really spruce up your yard parties at night.
Rustic meets modern when you slice up a log just right...
Another take on the theme...
CNC a design in sheet metal. Put waterproof lighting inside. Wow: outdoor light sculpture!
How about colors? They make LED fixtures that are waterproof and whose colors can be changed via wifi from your phone...
We're CNC'ers, we can make anything we imagine. I hope these images have helped to inspire your imagination.
Tell us what sorts of CNC projects you're thinking about doing to delight the non-CNCers in your life below in the comments.
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