8 months by cncdivi
Suppose you’re an artist proficient in CNC and you enjoy creating three-dimensional puzzles. What would be the pinnacle of your artistic practice?
For GarE Maxton of Carson City, Nevada, his latest project is called “The INTIMIDATOR”. It’s a metal 3D puzzle with over 135 pieces that can be re-assembled to make a .45 caliber muzzle loading pistol. Here is GarE demonstrating his amazing art work:
Special features include choice of manual or laser site, a magnetic key to unlock the puzzle, a custom hex tool needed for assembly/disassembly, and hidden compartments to hold the caps (shotgun primers) and other materials needed to fire the pistol.
Here are some more pictures of this piece:
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Bob is responsible for the development and implementation of the popular G-Wizard CNC Software. Bob is also the founder of CNCCookbook, the largest CNC-related blog on the Internet.