6 months by cncdivi
I’m an habitual book purchaser and further study into topics of interest is a knack of mine, in case you haven’t caught onto that yet. Should a book catch my eye, not only will I acquire it, but I’ll also make the effort to thoroughly read it. I have a distinct weakness for two particular types of books:
– Tips and Techniques or Projects: These kinds of books have bite-sized chapters or sections of chapters. You can read them by skipping around to what looks interested or going cover to cover, whichever you prefer. They’re the snack foods of my reading world.
– Great Tutorials: These are the books that crack open a whole new subject area in a way that’s approachable. They give you the basics you need to go forth and learn more easily. All too often there isn’t one available for some area you’re trying to get into, so when I see one, I grab it even if I don’t think I’ll be interested in the new area for some time.
These four books I recommend every new machinist should start with fit those two categories to a tee. I’ve got one Great Tutorial and 3 Tips and Techniques books that taken together amount to a Great Tutorial on the practice of machining in general.
CNC Programming Handbook, Third Edition
Peter Smid’s tomes are the best books available for learning to program in GCode. They’re very Fanuc-focused, which is fine, it’s one of the most popular controls out there and most other dialects share a lot of the basics with Fanuc. It’s a textbook, so it can be a trifle dry. I recommend combining it with our own Free G-Code Tutorial. Read a section of our tutorial, and then go read the corresponding section in Smid’s book. Seeing the material presented in two different ways will make sure it sinks in good. By the time you finish both, you’ll have a solid background in programming CNC machines.
Machine Shop Trade Secrets by James Harvey
This is a great book and was the first good Tips and Techniques book I came across for machinists. I was shocked to come across this book in the book store–they almost never had anything to satisfy my esoteric non-fiction interests, but it didn’t take me long thumbing through it to decide I needed a copy. I’m sure Harvey has done very well with it because not only is there a revised edition with even more information but there is also a separate CNC book called, “CNC Trade Secrets.” I have both editions of Machine Shop Trade Secrets as well as the CNC Trade Secrets. I have to say, I’m not nearly as fond of CNC Trade Secrets. It is a much thinner book and I don’t feel like it has the depth of insights as the bigger book. Try to have a look at it to see if it will be of interest to you before investing in one.
Metalworking Sink or Swim by Tom Lipton
If you were cruel enough to make me select just one book from this mini-smorgasbord, I would probably choose this one. It’s just so beefy with good information. It seems like it covers a little broader scope, with welding and fabrication coming into play. It also seems like it gives you a little better feel for working in the trade. These are all great books though, so go with what takes your fancy.
Metalworking Doing It Better by Tom Lipton
Lipton says this book is a better choice for beginners and hobbyists of his two. Maybe that’s why I felt like the first one gave a better feel for working in the trade. Having seen and read both books, I’d want to own both of them. Beginners and Hobbyists will take away a wealth of information from any of these 4 books too.
If everyone starting off to learn the art of machining could read and master the material in all 4 of these books, they’d have a substantial leg up. I’ve been at it for many years and I still enjoy thumbing through them. There’s always some little tidbit that I had forgotten or never really learned. Just hearing another’s perspectives on things is often helpful. I found things here and there to disagree with, particularly on the CNC side in the 3 Tips and Techniques books, but nothing really major. I’m sure every professional will feel the same. It’s normal that everyone doesn’t do things exactly the same way as their colleagues would and there’s always something new to learn from another.
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Bob is responsible for the development and implementation of the popular G-Wizard CNC Software. Bob is also the founder of CNCCookbook, the largest CNC-related blog on the Internet.
I have 3 out of 4 of those, great choices.
I like the writing style of Mr. Lipton.
Might have to go look for the Metalworking Sink or Swim by Tom Lipton to add to my collection.
Great choice of books you have selected. I also have 3 out of 4 of these books, the James Harvey book and both of the Lipton books. I’ve been wanting to get the Smid CNC book for awhile now.
While I admire Tom Lipton greatly, I was disappointed in the Metalworking Doing It Better book. The differences are so minor that one would be hard pressed to call it a second edition of Sink Or Swim, let alone a new book. Doing It Better is literally 98% the same as Sink Or Swim; very minor text editing along with better matching of photos with the appropriate text. And several of the entertaining stories of shop shenanigans were deleted in Doing It Better, to its detriment.
I suggest replacing one of Tom’s books with the out-of-print book “Shop Savvy” by Ray Moungovan. An eclectic blend of woodworking and metalworking tips in one tome perfect for bedtime reading. I’d supply a link, but haven’t had good luck in the past doing that. “Shop Savvy” is readily available at Amazon.
I would add “Setup Reduction Through Effective Workholding”
Phil, would love to check that one out. At $110 on Amazon it’s a bit pricey though. Carr Lane has a couple of excellent books on designing fixtures that are a lot cheaper:
I have them both and almost added the first one to this list but decided once you get that specialized, there’s a lot of books that should be added. I am curious if anyone has seen “Setup Reduction…” and the Carr Lane books and can offer a comparison though?
Didn’t know it was out of print. You can get an “E copy” at industrialpress.com for $47.95.
Never seen the Carr-Lane books but I’d bet they are interesting.
I didn’t realize it was out of print. You can, however, get an “E copy” from the publishers at industrialpress.com for $47.95.
I’ve never seen the Carr-Lane books but I’d bet they are interesting.
Phil, do you have a link? I tried search on their site and it came up with nada.
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Phil, sorry, I wanted a link to buy the E-Copy.