8 months by cncdivi
You’ve got a website for your business. You’d like to have more sales from it. What’s your biggest problem?
It’s a simple one that every website, including CNCCookbook has:
Please provide the text needing to be rephrased.
96% of visitors aren’t ready to buy anything from you when they visit
Most of your visitors and mine came to the site looking for something specific, and it probably wasn’t anything you’re selling.
The Google Analytics for CNCCookbook are almost eerily on target with that statistic. Only 5% of our visitors see the G-Wizard Calculator home page. Without going there, you might not even realize our flagship product exists.
Sure, you should try to offer your products to everyone, and in particular, make it easy to find the products. But, if they’re not ready to buy, chances are they won’t buy on the first visit.
What to do?
The smart money adopts a technique called “Lead Nurturing”. The idea is that visitors are at varying stages of awareness. Those stages are often depicted by a sales funnel similar to this one:
What you must do is provide content for each stage of the funnel and make it easy for visitors to find the content appropriate to the stage they are at. The goal of each stage’s content is to help the reader to move down to the next stage.
It’s a very effective technique and one of the many reasons why most marketers consider email to have the highest ROI of any investment they make.
Learn more about Lead Nurturing in this article on my blog for entrepreneurs:
[ How to Fix Your Biggest Problem Converting Visitors to Customers ]
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Bob is responsible for the development and implementation of the popular G-Wizard CNC Software. Bob is also the founder of CNCCookbook, the largest CNC-related blog on the Internet.